Sharooz says Cubase has a sound quality that’s “superior” to most other DAWs out there

The producer reveals his go-to digital audio workstation in the latest episode of MusicTech’s My Forever Studio podcast.

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Sharooz Raoofi

Credit: MusicTech

Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) are the lifeblood of modern music production. Every producer has their go-to DAW, swearing by its unique features, intuitive workflow, and the magical spark it brings to their creativity.

For electronic artist, producer and DJ Sharooz Raoofi, that title goes to Cubase due to its “superior” sound quality compared to other options on the market.

Sharooz speaks on the latest episode of MusicTech’s My Forever Studio, a podcast where musicians dream up their fantasy studio space and gear, picking a limited number of items.

Describing his choice of DAW as an “easy one”, Sharooz states: “It’s got to be Cubase… Sound quality is superior to most of what’s out there. I love their plugins. Everything that Steinberg makes — its EQs and Reverbs — I just love the flow, the layout.”

“Cubase 13 the way it performs now is like fuck,” the producer says of the DAW. “It’s a tape machine for me.”

He adds that he’s been using the software since the 90s, having started with a cracked version of it (“Sorry Steinberg”) given by his lecturer.

“Anyway it’s got to be Cubase because it does everything,” says Sharooz. “And we’re getting to a point now where — I’m sure there’s a technical term for it — but they all kind of do the same thing, they’ve just found different ways to do it. I mean Ableton [Live] is equally as impressive with 12.”

“I think Logic Pro and Cubase are neck and neck at this point. They’ve both just borrowed so much from each other. Maybe the differentiator at this point is a sound library. I know the Logic sampler with its Auto sampling is hugely helpful. It’d be nice to have that in.”

Check out the full podcast below.

Catch all the episodes of My Forever Studio so far on MusicTech.


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