The SynTesla IX DIY synthesizer is steampunk heaven

French developer Pierre Jean Tardiveau has unveiled his steampunk polyphonic synthesizer, but unfortunately, it is not going into production.

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Image: Pierre Jean Tardiveau

The SynTesla IX polyphonic hardware synth has been unveiled to the public and its steampunk exterior is causing a stir amongst synth fans.

Created by French developer Pierre Jean Tardiveau, the eye-catching synth is the ninth DIY synthesiser built by Tardiveau, with each unit having strong influences on the steampunk world.

However, unlike his other synths, the SynTesla has a custom engine. According to the developer, it’s a 7-voice polyphonic synthesiser with a classic subtractive design, including stereo VCO with nine waveforms, VCF with three modes, VCA+ADSR, two LFOs, MIDI, and useful utilities.

The builder has also said that this synthesiser has been dedicated to pads and strings.

The exterior is black, with purple, gold, blue and red lights to signify certain settings, as well as industrial metal detailing on the sides, and some rather retro-looking level indicators.

In a post to YouTube, where Tardivueu showcased the synth, it is clear that the main appeal of the instrument is it’s looks. One commentor wrote “thing of beauty!”, while another jokingly admitted that they’d “sell a kidney for one… not saying who’s though”.

You can watch a demo of the synthesiser below:

Unfortunatley for fans, this synthesiser will not be going into production, as according to Tardiveau the cost of production would be too great, and therefore the retail price would be too high. Regardless, it’s definitely some eye candy.


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