New version of Juicy Loops brings FL Studio’s step sequencer into Ableton Live

Juicy Loops 2 recreates FL Studio’s versatile step sequencer, as well as adding a slew of new features and capabilities.

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Live 12 Meld plugin

Live 12 Meld plugin

YRAKI’s original Juicy Loops M4L device was a game changer for FL Studio lovers shifting over to Ableton Live. The emulation allowed users to feel more at home, dragging FL features over to their new DAW of choice.

Now, YRAKI has worked on a new version of its helpful M4L device. Juicy Loops 2 recreates yet another much loved FL features for Ableton Live – FL’s nifty, intuitive step sequencer.

FL Studio’s versatile step sequencer is famously simple to use. With its six tracks, each with individual settings, the DAW makes it simple to create polyrhythms and carve out interesting sonic patterns. Thankfully, YRAKI has entirely recreated the familiar UI – as well as adding a few extra perks.

The polymetric Juicy Loops 2 MIDI sequencer also allows users to toy with the velocity of each track, as well as tweak velocity deviations with percentage dials. Track length can also be varied individually, while the direction of play can also be reversed.

YRAKI have also made it so Juicy Loops patterns can be directly exported as MIDI clips, allowing users to drop them into Ableton channels, meaning you wont lose your pattern in the process.

A few reviews are already in, with one reading: “Love this! It’s like a magic box packed with infinite sequencing ideas. Glad I can finally program beats this way on Ableton.”

Another reviewer suggests a potential way of making the sequencer even more useful than the FL original. “Adding a chance per step feature and BPM sync/free mode would make it even better,” they write.

Juicy Loops is currently available for £20 on Gumroad.


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