Diplo shows off his analogue library and home studio on his 62-acre private estate in Portland, Jamaica

“This is actually my first proper music studio. I’ve always been a bedroom producer… so to build a fully functioning studio was a very big deal for me.”

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Diplo Credit: Kevin Mazur/WireImage for Live Nation

Credit: Kevin Mazur/WireImage for Live Nation

DJ and producer Diplo has offered a tour of his analogue library and home studio on his 62-acre private estate in Portland, Jamaica.

Describing the house as his “home away from home”, Diplo reveals that the inspiration for his two-floor library actually came from Harry Potter.

“When I designed this room, I really told my architects, I need a library and I want it to be two floors,” he tells Architectural Digest. “I want it to look like something from Harry Potter, where you can go upstairs and get lost in the books, get lost in the records, get lost in some of the old magazines.”

The library houses over a thousand books and records and is designed so people who come here can “be inspired, find things they’ve never seen before, read things they never read before,” says Diplo.

It also offers a stunning view of the jungle greenery and is fully analogue, a feature the musician absolutely loves.

Moving on to “the part that pays for the whole house,” we get a glimpse of the mixing room and live room of Diplo’s newly opened Pompey Studios where “the magic is made”.

“This is actually my first proper music studio. I’ve always been a bedroom producer. I’ve always had a studio in one of my rooms in my house so to build a fully functioning studio was a very big deal for me,” he says.

“I wanted it to be something that anybody could be comfortable in, whether you’re a band, pop star, or doing a soundtrack. But it definitely hearkens to the ‘70s. It’s got that vibe with all our accessories and double pane glass.”

As Diplo would have it, the studio also features “one of the best lounges” for stressed out musicians to decompress between takes. Highlights include a ping pong table (because “because every studio has ping pong”), a Polycade arcade machine that’s got “every video game in the world of all time” under its hood, and glass doors that open you to the lush outside environment.

“You can be recording, and then a cow or goat will walk by and just add to your pallet of inspiration.”

Watch the full tour below.


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