Scotland’s first-ever vinyl pressing plant set to arrive in the autumn

Seabass Vinyl will be taking orders from next month.

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Vinyl record being pressed

Image: Hinterhaus Productions/Getty Images

Scotland is set to welcome its first ever vinyl pressing plant later this year.

Seabass Vinyl is an independent, family-owned pressing plant launched by Dominique and David Harvey, and it’s set to open in October at the Macmerry Industrial Estate in Tranent, East Lothian. They’re hoping to press between 50,000 and 60,000 records each month once they’ve got things set up properly, and want to become one of the greenest plants in the world too.

“We’re artist-centric with an emphasis on quality and sustainability,” they said to Resident Advisor. “We offer fair prices, short production runs and optimised production lead times.

“Our ambition is to become a valuable partner to artists and the music industry in general, as well as our local community. We’ve recently been announced as a partner of the Scottish Album of the Year award and will be pressing the records for the winner of the Sound of Young Scotland award free of charge.”

While Seabass Vinyl is yet to launch, they’re already active on Instagram. On there, Dominique and David have shared a glimpse of the plans for the plant.

It’s been in the works since at least 2022, when the first post on the Instagram account was posted, telling followers to “Watch that space”. According to a post from April this year, the company was blocked for six months as it waiting for confirmation that the plant could be built, and wasn’t going to be on a coal mine.

And it’s coming at a good time, too. Just under a year ago, vinyl became the UK’s second biggest selling physical format, overtaking PlayStation games. It’s overtaken CDs and DVDs too – it’s only Nintendo Switch games that are currently selling more copies.


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