This year’s GearFest UK to take place at Tileyard London on 13 July

Loads of exhibitors have already been revealed, with Focusrite, Moog, Genelec, SSL, Steinberg and more set to appear.

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This year’s GearFest UK – the event that hosts some of the world’s top audio brands showcasing a massive selection of microphones, monitors, synthesisers, interfaces and more – will take place at Tileyard London on Saturday 13 July.

Now in its third year, 2024’s GearFest UK will see exhibits from the likes of Focusrite, Moog, Genelec, PMC, SSL, Steinberg, AMS Never, Neumann, Kii Audio, Spitfire Audio, Pioneer, Focal, Rhodes, Nord and Arturia, with many more yet to be announced.

Sponsored by Sound On Sound, the event will also see panel talks with studio engineers, producers and music industry experts throughout the day, while Dolby will also take over Tileyard’s TYX Studios to offer workshops and demonstrate Dolby Atmos mixes via the facility’s 7.2.4 Neumann monitoring system.

Tickets are available to purchase now via Eventbrite, priced at £15. Tickets will also be available on the day for £20 each.

The event will open its doors at 10:00 and the first 100 people through the door will be in with a chance to win a series of prizes, including a full studio setup. The show will then close at 18:00, but GearFest promises the bar and food stalls will remain open following this…

For more information, head to GearFest UK.


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