Tim Exile’s collaborative music-making platform Endlesss to shut down next week

“We remain committed to the vision of collaborative music making, and are grateful for you joining us on this journey.”

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Endlesss, the fun-focussed app for collaborative online music-making, is shutting down next week, a new statement has revealed.

Helmed by electronic music producer Tim Exile, the mobile and desktop app launched in 2020 and proudly embraced emerging technologies, such as Web3, in its development.

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Endlesss was revered strong emphasis on fun in music production, with a workflow designed for easy online jamming with loops. The Rifffs feature would let you lay down sequences to rapidly upload and share with other users, who could add to the Rifff in real-time.

On 31 May 2024, the app’s servers will close. In a statement, the UK-based startup says:

“We announce today, with heavy hearts, that Endlesss Ltd will cease operations at the end of May.

“In what ways will this affect the apps you use and the music you make with them? Servers and apps are live until the end of the month. These services will cease to operate on Friday, 31st May. Endlesss’ apps will no longer be accessible after this date.

“Due to this, we strongly recommend that users begin archiving their music immediately. Rifffs can be downloaded from the app using the ‘share’ function and selecting to export stems or video output. These options can also be found in the Rifff journal.

“We want to extend our sincere thanks to all of you. There was a huge passion behind this project that many of you shared, creating a community rich with talent and friendship.

“Endlesss has produced incredible moments and lifelong connections, both online and in real life. We feel honoured to have contributed to the development of an app that has gathered such a loyal following.”

MusicTech reviewed the app upon its release during the COVID-19 pandemic, saying ‘There was no way Exile could’ve known how 2020 would pan out but it just so happens that his app might be the perfect way to make the best of a bad situation – by kickstarting your creativity and connecting with a world on lockdown.”

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