Fundraiser launched to support Endlesss founder Tim Exile as he recovers from cancer treatment amid business collapse

Tim devoted seven years of his life to building Endlesss. He is currently recovering from major surgery.

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A GoFundMe has been launched in support of Tim Exile, the founder of Endlesss, as he recovers from cancer treatment amid the collapse of his business.

Endlesss was an app for collaborative online music-making, and at its launch amid the COVID-19 pandemic, MusicTech gave it a glowing review. It shut down on 31 May 2024 following a statement which thanked its loyal following.

Tim dedicated seven years of his life and all his wealth to building Endlesss. The fundraiser’s target of £40,000 was surpassed within just three hours of its launch. Currently, over £64,000 has been raised to support Tim and his family at this very difficult time.

In a statement on the GoFundMe Page, it explains, “Tim Exile and his family need urgent support as they recover from Tim’s cancer treatment and the knock-on collapse of Endlesss, the music software business he founded. This has left Tim and his family with no savings or income. Due to Tim’s recent major surgery it will be months before he is able to return to work. His partner cares full time for their twin daughters.”

It continues, “Tim’s symptoms started in March last year, three months after his twin daughters were born. He was diagnosed with aggressive bladder cancer in July and underwent two surgeries in the following months to remove tumours. Tim worked tirelessly and fearlessly throughout this rollercoaster to make sure Endlesss kept providing value to its community and an income for its team, alongside learning the ropes of being a father to twins.

“In November, as his dad was taking his last breaths, he learned that the only chance of a cure was major surgery to remove his bladder, prostate and a section of bowel to create a urine conduit on his stomach. This procedure would take six months to fully recover from.”

It further explains, “Knowing he’d be unable to work for so long after the surgery, he looked for a buyer to take over the business. He didn’t take a salary for six months and delayed his surgery date by six weeks to do this. With a buyer finally found, he went for surgery at the end of April. Devastatingly, the deal collapsed a couple of weeks later, forcing the company to be placed into liquidation.”

Anna Shaw, the fundraiser’s organiser, has since shared Tim’s immense gratitude for the money raised. With the goal reached, he wants to start helping the Endlesss team who have worked without pay through the difficult last few months, so all further donations will continue to go to a good cause.

You can read both full statements and continue to donate via GoFundMe.


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