Harrison Audio’s 32Classic Channel Strip plugin brings the iconic console sound to your DAW

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Harrison Audio 32Classic Plugin

Image: Harrison Audio

Harrison Audio has launched the 32Classic Channel Strip, a new plugin based on the legendary Harrison ‘32 Series’ console used by artists the likes of Michael Jackson, John Coltrane, Fleetwood Mac, Led Zeppelin and many more.

Capturing Harrison’s classic console sound, the 32Classic Channel Strip features a new ‘Drive’ control for dialling in warm, harmonic saturation based on the transformer-coupled mic preamp in the 32Classic console.

The plugin boasts a 4-band parametric EQ section and full dynamics processing; Users can switch between Shelf and Bell mode on the high and low bands, while using the overlapping mid-bands to carve their sound. High-pass and low-pass filters are also included, which range from 25Hz to 3.15kHz, and 160Hz to 20kHz respectively, for a wide range of control from extreme to beautifully subtle.

In addition, the 32Classic’s fully featured compressor provides all the control you would expect in a premium standalone unit, offering three modes of compression and a sidechain filter with a sweepable frequency and a ‘listen’ function.

The three modes are as follows: ‘Comp’, which provides highly versatile, traditional VCA-style compression; ‘Level’, which offers a smooth gain reduction for subtly taming dynamics; and ‘Limit’, a fast-acting, aggressive style of compression for adding punch and energy to your tracks. There’s also an ‘Emphasis’ dial for those who want more vintage character.

Like on the original console, the 32Classic plugin’s Gate/Expander is designed to be highly intuitive. The gain-reduction metering offers instant visual feedback, allowing you to take full control of your sounds. The routing section, meanwhile, easily rearranges the processing order of the Gate/Expander, Compressor, and EQ for complete versatility.

The 32Classic is available in several formats including VST2, VST3, AAX, and AU as part of the SSL Complete and Complete Access subscriptions from $14.99/month, or perpetual purchase via the Harrison eStore.

Learn more at Harrison Audio.


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